
odd or even中文是什么意思

  • 猜单双的游戏



  • 例句与用法
  • Parity can be odd or even
  • This will most likely seem an odd or even a absurd statement to some , perhaps most
  • Print all , odd or even pages without printer driver support for those features as well as reverse page order
  • City bypasses and spurs have triple digits and are numbered odd or even depending on their directional orientation
  • In computing and communications , pertaining to a condition in which the number of items in a group is odd or even
  • Odd or even copies of ocs activator follow the rule that addition of multiple ocs activators upon mas promoter increases promoter strength
  • The second chapter of the thesis discuss emphatically the development , algorithm , remarks and present problems of dmrg . besides , we try to add odd or even sites to the rung of a two - leg coupled spin ladder , and to calculate the energy and spin gap of the class of models
  • It is found that whether the squeezing - power - number is an odd or even number , or whether the product of the squeezing - power - number and the total cavity - mode - number is an odd or even number , while some fixed conditions are satisfied respectively by the initial phase of each mode in the state or the sum of the initial phase of each mode in the same state , by the initial phase difference between any two components in the state and by the sum of mean photon - numbers , which are modulated by the initial phase of each mode in the state involved , of all the single mode coherent states light field , v the state can always display the effects of generalized nonlinear equal - power n - th power y - squeezing and unequal - power nj - th power y - squeezing , or present the effects of generalized nonlinear equal - power n - th power h - squeezing and unequal - power nj - th power h - squeezing , which changes alternatively and periodically
    结果发现:无论压缩次数或者压缩次数与腔模总数这两者之积取奇数还是取偶数,只要各模的初始相位或者各模的初始相位和、态间的初始相位差以及受各模的初始相位调制的各单模相干态光场的平均光子数之总和等分别满足一定的取值条件,那么态| _ 5 ~ ( ( 3 ) ) _ q的第一和第二这两个正交相位分量就可分别呈现出周期性变化的、广义非线性等幂次n次方y压缩和不等幂次n _ j次方y压缩或者等幂次n次方h压缩和不等幂次n _ j次方h压缩效应。
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
odd or even的中文翻译,odd or even是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译odd or even,odd or even的中文意思,odd or even的中文odd or even in Chineseodd or even的中文odd or even怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
